Here's what to expect at one of our parties

Curious as to what our parties are like?  Here's a run down

  • Sexy couples and single women are welcome.  We do screen attendees to keep the mix of couples fun, age group close to 30-50, and similar interests among everyone. Straight men and straight or bi women. No single men.
  • Most couples arrive around 8.  We recommend those that are newer to the lifestyle or house party arrive on the earlier side to easily engage in conversation as other couples arrive.  We love talking to couples and sharing our experience and fun.
  • Worried about being under dressed in lingerie or a skimpy outfit?  I can guarantee you will not be, but bring a change of clothes if you are hesitant.  You will not regret it. This is a great opportunity to show off your sexy side among people that will certainly appreciate it, while getting your partner all hot and bothered too. We have themes to allow you to bring out your sexiest self! Always keep it sexy! Men & Women - Dress to impress!
  • For the first hour or so, everyone is mingling, meeting each other, flirting, having a fun time socializing.  This is a great interactive way to meet other couples in a safe environment that is light sexual fun. Some couples are rubbing their partner through their clothes, maybe a nipple or two is teased.  Fun and sexy talk abound.  
  • We have dance music playing and some couples always get in to naughty dancing.  We do!  We love it.
  • Many of the women that come have bi tendencies.  This is a great place to explore a side that maybe you always wanted to venture to.  You will see lots of women kissing and playing.  
  • Usually around 10, things have heated up a lot, and some couples have gone to the playroom where they play with their partner, or others have joined them.  We have usually broken out the whipped cream and some couples are enjoying dessert delivered on nipples or other sexy places.
  • New couples to the lifestyle can watch, play with their spouse, or if they are both on board, perhaps ask another couple if they can play.  Always ask to touch and play with other couples.  Communication is key, and it never hurts to ask.  
  • While some couples play, others continue to socialize in the kitchen area.  Some flow back and forth between play and socializing.  The hottub is open and some couples make their way there to enjoy themselves with another couple.  Most are usually naked in the hottub.  Everyone really enjoys some time in the hottub under the stars with their sexy partner, and other sexy people for talking, or perhaps a little frisky play.
  • The night usually wraps up around 1am.  Some couples begin to leave around midnight for longer drives, but many stay to the end of the night. Don't wait too long to chat or play with sexy friends.
  • There are hotels nearby that some guests use.  All within a 15 minute drive or Uber 
Have other questions?  Feel free to send us a message on our SLS profile (funlaughz)